Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Multi Touch Light Table for Club DJs !(OMG!!!) What's Next?

Multi Touch Light Table: GERGWERK from GERG WERK on Vimeo.

Like it or not, touch screens are set to impact heavily on the DJ scene. Just last week, we saw Emulator and Töken showing us a way forward, but now Greg Werk has taken the touch screen principle a step or two further. Yes, you still have 2 turntables, but the traditional deck and mixer metaphor has been pulled apart and rebuilt for a finger friendly multitouch environment.

I'm absolutely knocked out with this concept. Great thought has clearly gone into converting physical hardware controls and breaking them down into into slick gesture based DJing. Having little in the way of physical constraints means that the touch screen really is a clean slate (great product name there).

I watch in awe. This is clever stuff and clearly made by someone who understands DJing and technology too. I do wonder however if making the familiar DJ interface into a set of easily forgotten and messed up finger prods and swipes is exactly what DJs want or need. Will it make DJing easier or is it just cool for the sake of coolness?

This is however hugely exciting stuff. I'm looking a stage beyond this where DJs can not only take their music on a USB, but also their own interface designed in whatever standard software powers such things, be it abstract like in the video or more conventional layouts emulating Traktor. DJ changeovers will be as simple as loading up a second set of decks in the chosen DJ's style and fading across to the new decks.

Thanks again "Skratchworx" for the info, This is hot!!!
As Always fans..... "Stay In The Mix"

1 comment:

  1. n Awe indeed DJ Myk B! Wow, technology keeps us on our toes having no limits
